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Writer's pictureCarrie P

Introducing the 2022 Mini Countdown Swap

The Background: I’m cheap, and I need more yarn like a hole in the head. Really. But dang, if I don’t LOVE those “Advent” calendars that a bunch of dyers and yarn shops do. I always feel a little FOMO when I see packages start to arrive.

Two years ago I did a DYI December Calendar, which I had been planning for like three years. It wasn’t difficult, but in addition to being cheap, let’s also take into account that I am…lazy.

I divided my minis into two piles - “light” and “dark.” I wasn’t terribly discriminating in doing this - I didn’t take a black-and-white photo for contrast or anything, I just sort of took a quick glance and put them on one side of my body or the other. As you may know, I subscribed to Row One Yarn’s Carnival of Color, so I had many, many pre-measured and wound minis, as well as some random ones. In this case, I think I used all Row One Minis but didn’t care if the fiber content was different or whatever. I put them together in my cute little box I bought from Amazon several years ago - though they were a tight fit - and alternated one light, one dark. There was NO peaking - I literally took one from the left, and put it in drawer 1; one from the right in drawer 2. Easy, Peasy.

I ended up making the Habitation Throw by Curious Handmade (RAVELRY LINK), and I love it. Did I love every color I chose? Probably not, but together they look great (and LarryDog didn’t seem to mind modeling too much.

OK - right now I feel like the recipe blogger who tells their life story before introducing the recipe, and for that, I am SO sorry! Let’s cut to the chase!

The Details

  • Decide to swap either 12 x 20g or 24 x 10 g minis. When you sign up, I’ll ask for some fave colors, etc. While your swapper may not have all those colors, it is just a guideline to help make the picking a little easier. Minis do not have to be from the same dyer, etc. Handspun - totally great, but I am asking that if you absolutely don’t want handspun to mark that in your profile. Some of us are way too lazy to take care of handspun (not to look in the mirror or anything).

  • Sign up by November 1.

  • Matches sent by November 4

  • Send your package to arrive no later than November 26.

  • Individually “wrap” and number each mini. This doesn’t have to be glamorous, just so they are a little hidden (I’m a lazy fan of tiny gift bags or tissue paper tied with yarn)

  • Extra gifts: no need to go crazy, but the minimum is ONE tiny extra (think stitch marker or tea, or something small) for the 12, and TWO for the 24.

Keep it simple, and remember that even if you go crazy, your partner may not, so please don’t be disappointed. So long as you can do the minimum, you’re awesome!

If you can’t participate after signing up, LMK at hello@coloradoknits.netIf you are willing to be an angel and provide an extra box in case someone has to drop out, please let me know at hello@coloradoknits.netQuestions? HMU - @coloradoknits on IG and for email.

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