Clearing the decks for the Pigskin Party!
I'm off schedule a bit because I really wanted to share my On Wednesdays We Wear Pink sweater! I finished it up on Tuesday night and realized late in the evening that it was NOT superwash, and so it would need to be soaked and laid out to dry. Wednesday was the first day in what felt like forever it wasn't 90 degrees, so I really wanted to wear my new sweater. That said, when it is cold and damp, sweaters, especially non-superwash ones, don't dry. So instead, I wore my blue one. On Thursday I'm wearing pink!
Other than getting that off the needles, I haven't done a lot of knitting over the last two weeks - I mean I have, but it was on one fingering-weight sweater, so it didn't feel like a lot! And then I realized I had two "secret" test knits that I can now share as well!

Off the Needles
On Wednesdays We Wear Pink - This incredibly soft sweater was made out of MCN from Sun Valley Fiber. I cannot EVEN explain how soft it is! I LOVE it so much. That said, as I mentioned before, the increases on the yoke do not fit my shoulders well, and I think there are much better patterns out there, but I love the slipped stitches, so I was a bit lazy and just made the same sweater again. It tends to fall into shape after an hour of wear or so.
Felici Folded Hem Socks in Mermaid Tails. As usual, a pair of shorties out of one ball of Felici from Knit Picks. This is my go-to stash-down pattern.
Storming the Castle Sock - this was a test knit for Lisa Ross of Paper Daisy Creations, that I wasn't allowed to share until the pattern collection was released this week. Lisa needed an extra tester in the large sock, so I decided to just make one and see how it went. Because it's a very open lace sock, it was too wide (even in my usual size), but it is GORGEOUS, and I could totally see knitting a pair of these in a small for myself. *The pattern collection is on sale now, and as of the day I'm posting this (September 22, 2022), if you use the code PRINCESS, you can get 4 sock patterns for $6. That's insane!
Tru Wuv Socks - the other toe-up pattern in the Princess Bride Collection from Paper Daisy. These were a perfect knit after finishing my Summer Sorrel, because they use a very similar stitch to make the buttercups at the top of the sock. This was super fun and a quick knit.
Both of the test knits used different heels, and they both came out quite nice. That said, I love my short row heels, and would probably put those in there for my own sake.
I do not have that many projects on the needles, because I am trying to get stuff off the needles before the Pigskin Party starts on September 23. I have been working on a few projects, but have only really started one new thing - a traveling sock.
Yellowstone Socks - knitting these two-at-a-time toe-up on a 32" Karbonz needle. There are times I find this project super fiddly, and times I absolutely love it. The yarn is amazing which may have led to another acquisition from Must Stash Yarn. Oops.
Sassy Spirit Wrap - I still love this, but it just isn't moving as quickly as the last project in the series.
Traveling Sock - as you know, I love Always Be Kind Yarn, and I had to break in my new Della Q bag with a portable project. I brought this to a local production of Into The Woods, where I was surprisingly surrounded by other knitters (who tried to comprehend my left handed knitting). Everything about this project is perfect! I plan to make 3 pair of socks from this skein - one pair full length, one pair short, and one pair of Turkish Bed Socks.
Planning Ahead
So...I have a really hard time with organized craft-alongs. I always sign up for them with the intention of participating, but then life gets in the way, and sure I knit stuff, but I never really enter for the prizes or whatever. There's of course nothing wrong with that, but this year, I am going to try for like the 6th time in 9 years to participate in the Down Cellar Studio Pigskin Party. I have several big projects planned, so why not be entered to win prizes while I work through some of my stash (because you know I definitely went crazy this summer in acquiring yarn).
Off the top of my head, and in no particular order here are the projects I hope to finish
Always Be Kind Yarn Advent Pattern Test Knit - Laura still has a few of her gorgeous Advent Kits left for 2022 if you want to get in on them. She's including a pattern this year, so I am test knitting it using last year's advent kit. I can't show it, but is going to be a fun knit, for sure.
Cozy Classic Raglan, using Knit Picks Hawthorne and Aloft. It is going to be really blue. Bright, bright blue. I can't wait to cast this on!
Ranunculus in Get Knit Faced In Colorado Carrie's Sweater DK.
Pavement (RAV LINK) Sweater in Toxic Oreo from The Lemonade Shop. That, or I could see a short sleeve sweater out of this yarn as well.
Either Radvent (RAV LINK)or Party Cardy (RAV LINK) in some of the fade sets I have.
Lots of socks. So many socks.
So that's where I'll wrap for now. Again, trying to keep these posts and podcasts a little shorter these days!